artfantasies head pic

artfantasies head pic

Freitag, 14. November 2008

The Way Life Goes (ThanC - ArtFantasies)

I've composed a song and made a music video. It took not long for the composition. I've made it on my Mac. I named it: The Way Life Goes. Guess in future I will more compose because it make a lot of fun. If you like it, please subscribe. Visit my website too:

2 Kommentare:

DeepPeace, aka Theresa hat gesagt…

Cannot get this one to play. Would really like to see/hear it. :-)
♥ ☼ ♥

Christian hat gesagt…

Hi Theresa-Ann,

it's on YouTube too ;)

nice to meet you here.

I've just forgot blogspot, so sorry for the delay in answering.